
The GY-MAX30100 is a pulse oximeter and heart rate monitor module designed for use in wearable health devices and other applications requiring accurate measurement of heart rate and blood oxygen saturation levels. It integrates the MAX30100 sensor, which combines LED-based pulse oximetry and heart rate monitoring in a compact module.

Key Features:

  • Sensor: MAX30100
  • Functions: Measures heart rate and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2)
  • Interface: I²C communication
  • Operating Voltage: 1.8V to 3.3V
  • Power Consumption: Low power consumption suitable for battery-operated devices
  • On-Board LEDs: Red and IR LEDs for optical measurements
  • Built-in Photodetector: For detecting light reflected from the skin

Technical Specifications:

  • Operating Voltage: 1.8V to 3.3V
  • Current Consumption: 0.2 mA (typical)
  • Communication Interface: I²C
  • Heart Rate Measurement Range: 30 bpm to 240 bpm
  • SpO2 Measurement Range: 0% to 100%
  • LED Wavelengths: Red (660 nm) and IR (940 nm)
  • Resolution: 16-bit ADC for precise measurements
  • Package: Typically comes as a small module with pin headers


  • Wearable Health Devices: Integrated into fitness trackers and smartwatches for monitoring heart rate and oxygen levels.
  • Medical Monitoring: Used in portable and remote health monitoring systems.
  • Fitness Tracking: Suitable for devices aimed at tracking physical activity and health metrics.
  • Research and Development: Employed in prototypes and research projects related to health monitoring and wearable technology.

For detailed technical information, refer to the MAX30100 Datasheet, as the GY-MAX30100 module utilizes this sensor.

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SKU: 0929 Categories: , , ,

Additional Information

Weight 0.001333 kg