SP Racing F3 Acro flight controller

SP Racing F3 Acro flight controller


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The SPRacingF3 gives you all the features you need for the heart of your aircraft, whether youre into FPV racing, acrobatic flying or aerial photography its perfect. Supports a variety of aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes and more.

The SPRacingF3 runs the open-source Cleanflight flight control (FC) software which has an ever-growing community of friendly developers and users. Being open-source means that you too can contribute to the system.

Cleanflight comes with a detailed manual that is reviewed and maintained by the Cleanflight developers and community. No more out-of-date wiki pages and second-hand information.


Practical – Easy to access connectors and solder pads.
Configurable – Choose to use connectors, solder pads or pins.
Stackable – Mount to your PDB or OSD.
Compact – Only 36x36mm.
Professional – Symmetrical, Neat and Tidy.
8 Dedicated PWM outputs
8 PWM Inputs
36 I/O Connections
72Mhz Clock Speed
3 Hardware Serial Ports
8Mb Flash Storage