HD74LS161AP (74LS161)

HD74LS161AP (74LS161)


The HD74LS161AP, commonly known as 74LS161, is a synchronous 4-bit binary counter IC (Integrated Circuit). It is designed to count in binary from 0 to 15 and can be cascaded for higher counting applications. The IC operates using synchronous logic, where the outputs change state simultaneously with a clock signal.

Key Features:

  • Binary Counter: Counts in binary from 0 to 15 (4-bit counter).
  • Synchronous Operation: Outputs change simultaneously with the clock signal.
  • Presettable: Can be preset to any initial value using the parallel load (PL) input.
  • Cascadable: Multiple ICs can be cascaded for higher counting applications.
  • Clock Enable Input: Allows disabling the clock input and the asynchronous reset function.
  • Low Power Consumption: Suitable for battery-operated devices.
  • Package Type: Available in various package options, including PDIP and SOP.


  • Frequency division and counting applications.
  • Digital clocks and timers.
  • Sequential logic circuits.
  • Event counting in microcontroller systems.
  • Education and learning projects.

Datasheet: For detailed technical information, refer to the HD74LS161AP (74LS161) datasheet.

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