QMC5883L magnetometer

QMC5883L magnetometer


The QMC5883L is a high-performance digital magnetometer that measures magnetic fields with high accuracy. It is a three-axis magnetic sensor used in various applications including compass modules, orientation sensing, and navigation systems. The QMC5883L is known for its reliability and compact form factor, making it suitable for both consumer and industrial applications.

Key Features:

  • Three-Axis Measurement: Provides magnetic field measurements in X, Y, and Z axes
  • Digital Interface: I2C communication for easy integration with microcontrollers
  • High Sensitivity: Accurate measurement of magnetic fields
  • Low Power Consumption: Efficient operation for battery-powered applications
  • Compact Size: Small package suitable for space-constrained designs
  • Calibration Capability: Can be calibrated for improved accuracy

Technical Specifications:

  • Dimensions:
    • Package Type: LGA (Land Grid Array) 16-pin
    • Length x Width x Height: 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm
  • Weight: Approximately 0.2 g
  • Supply Voltage: 2.16V to 3.6V DC
  • Communication Interface: I2C (up to 400 kHz)
  • Magnetic Field Range: ±1.3 to ±8.1 Gauss
  • Resolution: 0.1 µT
  • Sensitivity: 0.1 µT/LSB
  • Power Consumption: 2 mA (typical)
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C


  • Compass Modules: Used in digital compass systems for navigation and orientation.
  • Navigation Systems: Integrated into GPS and other navigation systems for enhanced accuracy.
  • Robotics: Helps in determining orientation and heading for autonomous robots.
  • Consumer Electronics: Used in smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices for orientation sensing.
  • Industrial Applications: Employed in industrial equipment for magnetic field measurement and monitoring.

For detailed technical information, refer to the QMC5883L Magnetometer Datasheet.

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Additional Information

Weight 0.6 kg